photo booth,地址:50 Esna Park Drive, Makrham ON L3R 1E1,,电话:647-718-4290,微信:6477184290,邮箱,SimpleOne. Love  —*简单爱*婚礼,爱,其实很简单.,不简单的服务:,简简单单就是爱,可是要办一场完美的婚礼可不简单。 简单爱婚礼为您量身打造一场你们想要的梦中的婚礼—–或简单朴实温馨美好, 或富丽堂皇华丽转身,或浪漫梦幻漫步云端 ……,高级婚纱礼服,西服,,美美中国风:,,,联系人: Stephen /Vivian,,浪漫西式,,网址,,婚礼策划:,高级婚纱:,Love is simple so planning your big day should be same as well. We know how challenging planning your big day can be so we are here to help. We are a Toronto based bridal agency serving individual clients in the GTA.  What makes us different is that we come in with a fresh new perspective, a different spin, and above all, creativity. Our top priority is customer satisfaction.

We meet with each client to determine their individual needs and what is required for their wedding.,高档美妆品+专业化妆,让新娘子一整天的妆容水当当,,婚纱照:,,,,,婚礼拍照录像/ 婚纱订婚照/ 小视频,安省注册婚礼策划师WPIC咨询,免费估价。婚礼全程策划/ Day of Coordianation,,【具体位置】50 Esna Park Dr, Markham, ON【联系电话】647-718-4290【其他电话】