可用受雇保险,Contact us by text at 416-887-3983 or by email
to: maoclinic@yahoo.com,416-887-3983 / 647-686-6010,Professional tutor
with medical field Doctor Degree provides College level Massage, Manual
Osteopathic and Traditional Chinese Medicine courses tutoring and preparation
all exams of these programs in GTA. Tutoring or help also available for
quizzes, tests, exams, assignments, or professional English.,,落枕,头痛,肩痛,肩周炎,网球肘,急性腰扭伤,坐骨神经痛,足跟痛,膝关节痛,眩晕, 急慢性扭挫伤, 颈椎病,腰肌劳损, 腰椎间盘突出, 肌腱炎, 风湿性关节炎, 退行性膝,髋关节炎, 坐骨神经痛, 跟痛症, 慢性肌纤维痛症, 偏头痛, 腕管综合征, 踝管综合征, 手,足麻痹疼痛,膝关节疼痛,足底麻痹疼痛,运动损伤,汽车意外受伤. 失眠,焦虑症,忧郁症,慢性疲劳综合征,面瘫,急慢性咳嗽,慢性支气管炎,支气管哮喘,支气管扩张,慢性胃炎,胃溃疡,反流性食道炎(泛酸),幽门螺旋杆菌感染,慢性腹泻(IBS)慢性肠炎,前列腺炎, 阳痿.风湿及类风湿性关节炎,红斑狼疮,老年痴呆症(早期),尿频,尿失禁,脂肪肝,高血压. 风疹,湿疹,荨麻疹,痤疮.
接受各类保险:RMT, Chiropractor, Acupuncturist,
Manual Osteopathy and Compressed Stockings,2950 Birchmount Road,
Unit 207-8 Second Floor,Training Students Tunia
or other Massages Skills, and Help Get Certificate or License working in
Ontario. For International High School or College and University Students。,注册中医师-R.TCMP, 针灸师-R.Ac &,Scarborough ON M1W 3G5,中医针灸,推拿按摩, 罐灸, 正骨Manual Osteopathy主治:,,Beckett Ave and Willian
Berczy Blvd (16 Ave & Kennedy
Rd),Markham ON L6C 0R9,Main Operating Location:,Our Clinic Second
Location in Markham 16 Ave and Kennedy Road:,推拿按摩师-RMT & 正骨师 Osteopathy 诊所,Call
us or  text at 416-887-3983 for your
treatment appointments.,欢迎国际留学生光临, 并提供优惠.,【具体位置】2950 Birchmount Rd, Unit #207, Scarborough ON【联系电话】416-887-3983【其他电话】647-686-6010