0,我们使用专业地毯清洗机、吸尘,吸水机配合地毯香波剂,对地毯无损伤,清洗更彻底。配合全能地毯清洗剂,除油剂,强力吸尘 吸水机进行清洗,清洗后不仅表面清洗干净,内部灰尘细菌也会被吸出来,清洗后毛质柔软,颜色鲜艳,并具有高效杀菌、杀螨虫的效果,在清洁地毯的同时进行消 毒,让您的地毯得到洁净加消毒双合一的“享受”,清洁完毕地毯留下淡淡清香,让室内更空气更清新怡人!




有意者请联系孙先生:416-825-0371,,,We are proud to offer our professional cleaning services in Toronto, GTA. We offer Carpet/Rug Cleaning and Washroom/Kitchen Cleaning by using professional machines and Eco-friendly cleaning products. Our deep steam cleaning process makes your carpet, rugs and washroom look new in no time. With our cleaning process you can restore the beauty and texture of your carpet, area rugs, and washroom/Kitchen at a very cheap price!【具体位置】[ 未填写 ]【联系电话】416-825-0371【其他电话】