,,,website:,Mrs. Hong Zhang loves young kids who are ready to try their efforts in academic learning. She is also good at motivating them to learn by using interesting materials and by fostering their good learning habits, like note taking strategies, clear handwriting, and memory tactics. She possesses a master degree of education in psychology. Please check her status if needed from the Ontario College of Teachers’ website (OCT) at Find a Teacher and her registration number is 509961.,张鸿老师是国内的骨干教师,教研组长,有15年的初高中物理教学经验。在35岁前获得国内高级教师资质。移民到多伦多后,就读于约克大学数学系和教师学院,是约克大学继续教育奖学金和其他多项奖学金的的获得者。她还是国际高等学府尖子生学会会员。张鸿老师从来没有停止过教学生涯,在安省的教学经验也有十多年。大多数她的学生在大学里还是平均分高过90%。,网址:,张鸿老师曾致力于学习教育心理学专业并获得硕士学位。她喜欢能专心于学业的好学生,也很擅长调动学生的学习兴趣,她相信兴趣成就一切。她的讲课内容新颖独特,并融进宝贵的学习技巧。她注重学生良好习惯的养成,相信习惯能决定一切。她是安省的注册教师,如有需要可以查阅:the Ontario College of Teachers’ website (OCT) at Find a Teacher and her registration number is 509961.  链接如下:,,,,,,联系电话:647-988-0628 每天下午1:00到3:00。邮箱,Or enter following link:,,Feel free to contact her at 647-988-0628 every afternoon 1:00 to 3:00. Or email:,Mrs. Hong Zhang taught high school physics for 15 years in China and she was a curriculum leader for 7 years. She earned qualification of senior professional rank of China before 35 years old. She was accepted by Department of Mathematics & Statistics of York University and graduated from York University Teacher College where she received York University Continuing Student Scholarship and many other awards. She is a member of the Chair’s Honor Roll of Department of Mathematics & Statistics and member of Golden Key International Honor Society for university top students. She never stops teaching young students. With her more than 10 years Ontario teaching experience most of her students still receive GPA 4.0, average above 90% in university. She also finished the TDSB co-op program scored 91.7% and the Teach in Ontario program.,,,【具体位置】York Mills Rd & Leslie St【联系电话】647-988-0628【其他电话】