加建,改建,翻建住宅,,4. 住宅项目施工和管理,公司网页 www.andarchitecture.ca,(4) 
商业零售,餐饮建筑,,(5)  室内设计和选材,(3)  现场会议,,(4)  听证会,(1)  住宅施工估价,(4)  最后验收,出具验收信,(3) 
镇屋,,(3)  监督施工质量,,,(1)  总平面报批,,,分类:安得建筑师事务所,多伦多建筑师,万锦建筑师,多伦多华人建筑师,豪宅设计师,商业设计师,(3)  分地申请,事务所主营居住和商业建筑室内外设计。主要业务包括以下方面:,AND Architecture Inc. 安得建筑师事务所,,1. 建筑设计,施工图设计,(2)  建筑许可申请,,(2)  制定施工进度,5. 3D 效果图,渲染图,2. 建筑报批,,(5) 
办公楼,(1)  检查施工质量确保与图纸相符,AND Architecture inc. is a Toronto
based full service architectural firm specializing in residential, commercial
retail and office projects. At AND we pride ourselves on forging close
collaborative relationships with our clients to produce design that addresses
their specific needs and identities, with the ultimate goal of inspiring our
clients and improving the environment in which they live and work. Our
architectural language is typically characterized by clean forms and functional
clarity. The firm has the resources and technology necessary to execute all
phases of the architectural process, from preliminary design through
construction administration.,Email: info@andarchitectureinc.com,,(6)  申请入住许可,(2) 
高层公寓,3. 施工监理,,(4)  组织施工和进料,3000 Steeles Ave. E. Suite 100, Markham ON L3R 4T9,,(2)  审阅产品制造图,,AND Architecture Inc. (安得建筑师事务所)是安省建筑师协会注册的建筑师事务所。公司拥有注册建筑师和专业建筑设计人员为客户提供全面的建筑设计服务。公司业务范围涵盖大多伦多地区和南安省的大部分地区。,(6) 
学校,教堂类建筑,T: 905-604-6960,,,【具体位置】3000 Steeles Ave. East【联系电话】647-836-3932【其他电话】905-604-6960